Category Archives: web security

Have users signed up?

I participated in a panel “Password Managers, Single Sign-On, Federated ID: Have users signed up?” at Workshop on The Future of User Authentication and Authorization on the Web: Challenges in Current Practice, New Threats, and Research Directions, which was collocated with the conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. In my panel presentation, I showed the most recent results of the evaluation of OpenID authentication experience by participants, conducted in my lab, which shed some light on why users have not signed up, at least for OpenID. An apparent reluctance among the end users of employing OpenID, despite the fact that there are over one billion OpenId-enabled accounts, results from technical, business, and human factors. This particular short presentation was devoted to the usability factors.

Is OpenID too Open? Technical, Business, and Human Issues That Get in the Way of OpenID and Ways of Addressing Them

The web is essential for business and personal activities well beyond information retrieval, such online banking, financial transactions, and payment authorization, but reliable user authentication remains a challenge. OpenID is a mainstream Web single sign-on (SSO) solution intended for Internet-scale adoption. There are currently over one billion OpenID-enabled user accounts provided by major content-hosting and service providers (CSPs), e.g., Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, but only a few relying parties that allow users to use their OpenID credentials for SSO. Why is that? I presented at Eurecom an overview OpenID, and then discussed weaknesses of (1) the protocol and its implementations, (2) the business model behind it, and (3) the user interface. The talk concluded with a discussion of a proposal for addressing some of OpenID issues.

See presentation slides for more details.

CHI Work in Progress to Feature LERSSE Research

This year, in Vancouver, Work In Progress Posters session of SIG CHI Conference will feature three research projects of my graduate students.

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Undergrad Security Course Features Cool Projects

Students in my undergraduate computer security course had done several excellent projects. You can watch video clips of the projects or read reports.

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Lessons learned from studying users’ mental models of security

In the course of past three years at LERSSE, we have done several studies that helped us to further the understanding of users’ mental models, when it comes to security. Continue reading

Single Sign On on the Web: What’s broken and What can be fixed?

With Ph.D. student San-Tsai Sun, we have been investigating single-sign-on for Web. Continue reading

SOUPS Features LERSSE Research

LERSSE graduate students presented their research at the Symposium on Usable Security Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Here is a summary of the presented research: Continue reading